This companion to the series set seven years later, tells the story of Pathfinder Alice TodHunter Moon (Tod). It opens with her first MidSummer Circle, when the she and the other Pathfinders of age revel in their legacy-a story told by Dan, Tod's father and leader of the Pathfinders. Tragedy soon follows when he disappears while fishing, and she is forced to live with her wicked Aunt Mitza, who soon plans to get rid of Tod. Luckily, her friend Oskar alerts her and helps her escape, which is when the real adventure begins. A dizzying number of characters brings this tale across its 12 parts. Kidnappings, Darke Magyk, secret passages, sailing ships, message rats, and creatures of all sorts pack the pages, taking readers along. Not surprisingly, all of the characters meet up by means of hubs that slip time and space and reveal Tod's purpose. Fans of the first series will certainly delight as characters familiar and new go on new adventures and reveal new mythologies.-Stacy Dillon, LREI, New York City